Clerk means the clerical staff, other than the Librarian, of a school, by whatever name it is called; Group D staff means the IVth grade staff of a school, by whatever name it is called; Panel means a list published by the Commission containing the names of candidates, equal to number of vacancies against posts declared in a District or Region, as the case may be, found fit for recommendation for appointment strictly in order of merit on the basis of Regional Level Selection Test; Post means a whole-time sanctioned posts of non-teaching staff comprising the posts of Librarian, Clerk or Group D staff; Waiting list in relation to non-teaching staff means a list of candidates named in order of merit containing names of candidates equal to 0.10 times the number of vacancies declared against a post Districtwise or Regionwise, as the case may be, for a Regional Level Selection Test categorywise, mediumwise and genderwise. Additional essential qualification of candidate - In terms of rule 5(1), a candidate willing to be selected as a Non-teaching staff in any School, having Bengali or English or Hindi or Nepali or Oriya or Santhali or Telegu or Urdu as the medium of instruction, must have Bengali or English or Hindi or Nepali or Oriya or Santhali or Telegu or Urdu, as the case may be, as first or second or third language – a. at School Level up to Class VIII for the post of Group-D Staff; b. at Secondary level of the Board or its equivalent for the post of Clerk; c. at Secondary level of the Board or its equivalent or Higher Secondary level of the Council or its equivalent; or at any subsequent higher level of education in that language paper for the post of Librarian. Disqualification - In terms of rule 6(1), no person shall be eligible for selection for appointment to the post of non-teaching staff in any School within its territorial jurisdiction unless he is a citizen of India. In terms of rule 6(2), no person shall be eligible for selection for appointment to the post of non-teaching staff in any School if he has accepted or offered dowry in any form at the time of his marriage or his son’s or daughter’s marriage. Bar on Recommendation - In terms of rule 19, a Regional Commission shall not recommend the name of a person - a. who, at the time of submission of application or after submission of application, is recommended to the post of a non-teaching staff in a School on the basis of counselling conducted by the West Bengal Regional School Service Commission of any region and continues his service as such non-teaching staff, but has not completed continuous three years’ approved service in the said post; b.who, at the time of submission of application or after submission of application, is recommended to the post of a Teacher in a School on the basis of recommendation made by the West Bengal Regional School Service Commission of any region; c.who, while in-service, having obtained required qualification for being considered for the post applied for fails to submit before the Regional Commission the requisite document of his approved study leave, or any kind of leave for the purpose of relevant higher studies, or permission from the appropriate authority for prosecuting the studies for the said degree. Manner of selection by direct recruitment - (1) Selection to the post of – a. the Librarian shall be made on the basis of the results of the written examination conducted by the Central Commission, evaluation of qualifications and personality tests of the candidates; b. the Clerk shall be made on the basis of the results of the Regional Level Selection Test comprising Preliminary screening examination and written examination to be conducted by the Central Commission, evaluation of qualifications and personality tests of the candidates; c. the Group D Staff shall be made on the basis of the results of the Regional Level Selection Test comprising Preliminary screening examination, written examination conducted by the Central Commission, and personality tests of the candidates. Explanation – For removal of doubt, it is hereby declared that while determining the merit list, the marks obtained in the Preliminary screening examination shall not be added to the marks obtained in the written examination or personality test.The Central Commission may, in its discretion, fix qualifying marks, which a candidate is requires score for qualifying in Preliminary screening examination or in the written examination or in aggregate or in both: Provided that the Central Commission may relax the qualifying marks on reasonable grounds for reasons to be recorded in writing. Selection of candidates and preparation of panel for the post of Librarian - In terms of Rule 12 (8) - After the evaluation of the answer sheet of the written examination, each Regional Commission shall prepare a mediumwise list of the candidates, who shall be qualified for personality test on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the written examination, evaluation of academic and professional qualification (to be calculated on the basis of statement made in this regard by a candidate at the time of submission of the application form) taken together: Provided that the number of qualified candidates to be called for the personality test shall not exceed 02 (two) times the number of final vacancies published at the time of declaration of the result of the written examination: Provided further that if the marks of the last position of the qualified list of candidates shall be same for more than one candidate, all such candidates obtaining same marks at that position shall be called for the personality test. In terms of Rule 12 (10) - Each Regional Commission shall, on the basis of the marks obtained in the written examination, evaluation of the academic qualification and marks obtained in the personality test, all added together, and on the basis of the guidelines issued by the Central Commission, prepare strictly in order of merit,– a. a panel of candidates found fit for recommendation, and each such panel shall include names equal to the number of final and b. a waiting list. Selection of candidates and preparation of panel for the post of Clerk - In terms of Rule 13 (7) -After the evaluation of the answer sheets of the Preliminary screening examination, the Central Commission shall prepare a mediumwise, categorywise and genderwise list of the candidates, who shall be qualified for the written examination on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the Preliminary screening examination. In terms of Rule 13 (11) -After the evaluation of the answer sheet of the written examination, each Regional Commission shall prepare a mediumwise, categorywise and genderwise list of the candidate, who shall be qualified for Personality Test (with typing using computer and computer proficiency) on the basis of the marks obtained by him in the written examination and academic qualification: Provided that the number of qualified candidate to be called for the Personality Test with Typing and Computer Proficiency shall not exceed 02 (two) times the number of final vacancies published at the time of declaration of the result of written examination: Provided further that if the marks at the last position of the qualified list of candidates shall be same for more than one candidate, all such candidates at that position shall be called for the Personality Test with Typing using computer and Computer Proficiency. In terms of Rule 13 (13) - Each Regional Commission shall, on the basis of the marks obtained in the written examination, academic qualification and marks obtained in the Personality Test with Typing using computer and Computer Proficiency, all added together, and on the basis of the guidelines issued by the Central Commission prepare – a. a district wise panel of candidates found fit for appointment to the posts of Clerk, strictly in order of merit and each such panel shall include names equal to the number of districtwise final and b. a waiting list. Selection of candidates and preparation of panel for the post of Group-D Staff - In terms of Rule 14 (7) – After the evaluation of the answer sheets of the Preliminary screening examination, the Central Commission shall prepare a mediumwise, categorywise and genderwise list of the candidates, who shall be qualified for the written examination on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the Preliminary screening examination. In terms of Rule 14 (11) - After the evaluation of the answer sheets of the written examination, each Regional Commission shall prepare a mediumwise, categorywise and genderwise list of the candidate, who shall be qualified for Personality Test on the basis of the marks obtained by him in the written examination. Provided that the number of qualified candidate to be called for the Personality Test shall not exceed two times the number of final vacancies published at the time of declaration of the result of written examination: Provided further that if the marks at the last position of the qualified list of candidates shall be same for more than one candidate, all such candidates at that position shall be called for the personality test. In terms of Rule 14 (13) - Each Regional Commission shall, on the basis of the marks obtained in the written examination and in the personality test, all added together, and on the basis of the guidelines issued by the Central Commission prepare– a. a district wise panel of candidates found fit for appointment to the posts of Group D Staff, strictly in order of merit and each such panel shall include names equal to the number of district wise final and b. a waiting list. IF MORE THAN ONE CANDIDATE OBTAINS THE SAME AGGREGATE (TOTAL MARKS) FOR THE POST OF LIBRARIAN OR CLERK OR GROUP-D STAFF, THE MERIT POSITION OF THE CANDIDATES SHALL BE DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THEIR DATE OF BIRTH, I.E. CANDIDATES WITH EARLIER DATE OF BIRTH SHALL BE PREFERRED AND IF THE AGGREGATE AND DATE OF BIRTH SHALL ALSO BE SAME, THE CANDIDATES OBTAINING HIGHER SCORE IN WRITTEN EXAMINATION SHALL BE PREFERRED. * EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND AGE LIMIT FOR RECRUITMENT OF NON-TEACHING STAFF IN THE RECOGNIZED NON-GOVERNMENT AIDED SCHOOLS *
NOTE: Provided further that the person who is already in service in the approved post of non-teaching staff of any School may apply for the post of non-teaching staff upto the maximum age of 55 years to be calculated as on 1st January of the year of advertisement. Explanation : The age for the posts of Librarian or Clerk shall be calculated on the basis of the date of birth recorded in the certificate or admit card of the Madhyamik Examination or its equivalent and the age for the post of Group D Staff shall be calculated on the basis of date of birth recorded in the Birth Certificate issued by the Birth Registrar, to be corroborated by the certificate issued by the Headmaster of a School, where the candidate actually studied, on the basis of date of birth recorded in the Admission Register. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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