Saturday, February 5, 2011


Unit – 1: Physical Chemistry (1)
Physical States of Matter, Physical Properties & Molecular Structure
SECTION A: The gaseous state: The mean free path, binary collision
frequency (single gas),their dependence on temperature and
pressure. Real gases-detailed study of van der Waals’ equation,
Critical constants of gases, the rule of Cailletet and Mathias.
The reduced equation of state and the principle of corresponding
states. Maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular velocities
(derivation not required), effect of temperature on the
distribution. Expressions for various types of velocities from
Maxwell’s equation. Kinetic energy distribution. Boltzmann
factor and the Boltzmann euation. The barometric formula.
SECTION B: The liquid state: Surface tension: measurement, applications
and temperature dependence.
SECTION C: (i) Elementary ideas of crystallography – Laws of crystallography,
crystal lattice, simple crystal system, ionic and covalent
crystals, Bragg’s method of crystal analysis with illustration of
NaCl and KCl crystal faces, Born-Haber cycle.
(ii) Heat capacity of solids, Einstein’s specific heat equations,
Debye’s T3 – Law (detailed deduction not required)
SECTION D: Colloidal system:
(i) Properties of colloids; optical, kinetic and electrical
(ii) Electro kinetic phenomena; charge and stability of
colloids, mechanism of coagulation
(iii) Determination of Avogadro’s number from Perrin
distribution equation and Einstein’s diffusion equation.
(iv) Ultracentrifuge, Determination of size of colloid particles
and molecular weights of macro-molecules.
(v) Colloidal electrolytes and their properties (soaps and
detergents, Critical micellization concentration).proteins.
SECTION E: Physical properties and molecular structure:
(i) Polar molecules and dipole moment (derivations of
equations not required)
(ii) Elementary ideas on molecular spectra, potential energy
curves and Raman Spectra, with applications.
Unit – 2: Physical Chemistry (2)
Thermodynamics & Its Applications to Equilibrium processes
SECTION A: Thermodynamics:
(i) Heats of solution and dilution, heats of neutralization
from bond enthalpies, Kerchief’s equation.
(ii) Carnot’s theorem, thermodynamic scale of temperature,
refrigeration cycle.
(iii) Detailed treatment of entropy, free energy,
Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Partial molalquantities,
Gibb’s potential, Gibbs- potential, Gibbs-Duhem equation,
Maxwell’s realations. Thermodynamic equation of state.
Elementary idea of entropy and probability.
(iv) Applications of thermodynamics: Clausius-Clapeyron
equation. Nernst distribution law, Joule-Thomson effect,
expression for (CP – CV)) for van der Waals gases.
(v) Elements of statistical thermodynamics, Boltzman
distribution, partition functions and their relations with
thermodynamic state functions.
SECTION B: (i) Chemical equalibria: homogeneous equalibria.
Experimental determination of equilibrium constants.
Thermodynamic derivation of the law of mass action. The
reaction isotherim & dtemperature dependence of
equilibrium constants (van’t Hoff equation)
(ii) Ionic equilibria – Determination of bydrolysis constant
and degree of hydrolysis, Buffer capacity. Neutralisation
indicators – theory and application, (pH titration curves).
Relative strengths of acids and bases.
SECTION C: Electromotive force --- Different types of electrodes, glass and
quinhydrone electrodes, important reference electrodes.
Thermodynamics of a reversible chemical cell, standard
electrode potentials and standard emf of Chemical cell (Nernst
equation); Concentration cells, liquid junction potential, salt
bridge. Redox potential, Redox series, Redox indicators (Theory
and applications), Decomposition potentials, polarization,
overvoltage, Dry cells (Leclanche cell), accumulators (acid and
alkali). Applictions of e.m.f. measurements – Thermodynamic
parameters of electrochemical reactions (enthalpy, entropy and
free energy), determination of solubility products, transport
numbers, pH, Kw, valencies of ions and dissociation constants of
weak electrolytes. Potentiometric titrations.
SECTION D: Colligative properties: Thermodynamic derivation of Raoult law
for lowering of vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point and
depression of freezing point, van’t Hoff’s osmotic pressure
equation, interrelationships; between the different colligative
properties, abnormal colligative properties.
SECTION E: Equilibrium in heterogeneous systems & phase equilibria.
(i) Derivation of phase rule; its significance. Duhem
Margules equation.
(ii) One component system – carbon dioxide, water, surfur.
Unit – 3: Physical Chemistry (3)
Transport Phenomenon: Kinetics & Catalysis: Photochemistry Adsorption &
Surface Phenomenon.
SECTION A: Viscosity of gases and liquids, viscosity co-efficients, and their
dependence on temperature. Stoke’s Law and terminal velocity,
diffusion of gases and solutes in solution (Fick’s law).
SECTION B: Electrochemistry:
(i) Electrolytic conductance, Transport numbers and their
interpretations; hydration of ions. Determination of ionic
speeds. Qualitative treatment of Onsager equation and
Debye Huckel theory.
SECTION C: Chemical Kinetics:
(i) Order and molecularity of a reaction, first and second
order kinetics. Determination of the order of a reaction.
Zero and fractional order reactions.
(ii) Influence of temperature on the speed of a reaction.
Arrhenius equation. Mechanism of uni- and and bimolecular
reactions from collision theory (detailed) and
transition state theory (elementary).
(iii) Simultaneous reactions: Parallel, consecutive and
opposing reactions (simple-treatment), chain reaction
(Hydrogen-Bromine reaction0.
SECTION D: Adsorption and surface chemistry:
(i) The phenomenon of adsorption on liquid and solid
surfaces, Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms.
B. E. T. equation (without derivation), surface area of
(ii) Gibb’s adsorption isotherm. Application of adsorption.
SECTION E: Catalysis
(i) Catalytic process: Theories of homogeneous and
heterogeneous catalysis (single reactant case)
(ii) Acid-base catalysis. Kinetic salt effects.
(iii) Enzyme catalysis and its characteristics.
(iv) Application of catalysis in different fields.
SECTION F: Photochemistry:
(i) Elementary principles of spectrophotometry –
Lambert-Beers’ law and its applications:
(ii) Laws of photochemical reactions; H-Br reaction, H-Cl
reactions, HI decomposition, photosensitized reactions,
photochemical equilibrium.
(iii) Elementary ideas of fluorescences and phosphorescence.
Unit – 4: Inorganic Chemistry (1)
Atomic Structure; Radioactivity & Nuclear Chemistry; Chemical Bonding.
SECTION A: (i) Qualitative idea on Black-body radiation, photo-electric
Effect and Compton effect, Plank’s quantum equation.
(ii) Atomic spectra of hydrogen. Bohr’s Theory of hydrogen
atom (simple mathematical treatment). Sommerfeld
extension. Limitation of Bohr-Sommerfeld theory.
Quantum numbers, their significance; s.p.d.f – atomic
orbitals. Sequence of energy levels. Aufbau principle,
Hund’s rule, Pauli exclusion principle. Electronic
configuration of elements, ground state terms of many
electron atoms and ions.
(iii) Wave-particle duality, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle,
de-Brogile relationship, Schrodinger wave equation, wave
mechanical interpretation of orbital, probability
distribution curves, shaps of s, p, d and f orbitals
SECTION B: Radioactive decay,  – β- γ-rays; half life and average life of
radioelements. Characteristics of radioactive decay series
(different types) and Uranium decay series, Group displacement
Law, radioactive equilibrium, Nuclear binding energy (including
determining factors), stability of nuclei. Nuclear reactions.
(different common types); projectiles, target nuclei, compound
nuclei, spallation reaction, Nuclear energy. Elementary ideas
on Nuclear fission and fusion reactions. Radio carbon dating,
Age of mineral (elementary principle only), Isotope exchange.
Separation and uses of isotopes.
SECTION C: Nature of chemical bond, Ionic bond, Lattice energy, Solvation
energy, Born-Haber cycle (including mathematical calculation),
Concepts of polarization, Fajan’s rule. Ionic potential and its
applications. Inert pair effect, Covalent bond and coordinate
bond, σ - and - bonds valence bond theory (simple mathematical
treatment), assumptions, defects, Resonance. Molecular orbital
theory (non-mathematical treatment), application to
homonuclear diatomic molecules: H2 to F2 and hetronuclear
diatomic molecules. NO, CO and HF and H2O, BeF2 , CO2,
Bond orders; Hybridizatin, Bent’s rule, shapes of molecules,
VSEPR theory. Hydrogen bond and its effects on physical
properties, Intermolecular forces (elementary idea), Metallic
bond, (qualitative bond theory), conductors, semiconductors,
superconductors, insulators.
Unit – 5: Inorganic Chemistry (5)
Chemical Periodicity; Acid-Base, Solvents & Redox Systems: s- & p- Block
Elements & Their Compounds.
SECTION A: Periodic classification of elements on the basis of electronic
configuration and periodic variation of properties; atomic radii,
ionic radii, ionization energy; Slater’s rule; electron affinity,
electro negativity concept (Pauling & Allred-Rochow scales);
SECTION B: Modern concept of acids and bases including SHAB principle,
strengths of acids and bases (qualitative idea). Non-aqueous
solvents; Liquid ammonia & liquid SO2 as solvents, Redox
poetentials. Formal potentials, applications of redox potentials,
variation of redox potentials, under the influence of pH,
precipitation and complex formation; dismutation. Choice of
indicators in redox titrations. Redox potential diagrams and
their applications.
SECTION C: Noble gases; isolation properties and structure of compounds of
noble gases.
SECTION D: B, Al, Ga, In, Ti- General group comparison. Boric acid, Borax,
Boron nitrides, Borazine, Diborane, Borohydrides.
SECTION E: C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb-General group comparison. Carbides, silences,
silicon halides, silicic acids, silicones, silicates.
SECTION F: N, P, As, Sb, Bi-General group comparison, Elemental states of P, As,
Sb, Bi; Oxides and Oxyacids of Nitrogen and Phosphorus,
Hydrazine, Hydroxylamine, Hydrazoic acid, Halides of nitrogen
and phosphorus, Nitrides, condensed phosphorus,
Phosphonitrite compounds.
SECTION G: O, S, Se, Te – General group comparison. Hybrides, Halides,
Elemental states of S, Se, Te: Oxides and Oxyacids of Sulphur,
Selenium and Tellurium. Thionic acids, sodium thiosulfate,
polysulphides, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, peroxyacids of sulphur.
SECTION H: F, Cl, Br, I – General group comparison. Elemental fluorine,
Oxygen fluoride, Oxides and Oxyacids of Cl, Br, and I,
Interhalogens and Polyhalides, Basic properties of halogens.
Psedohalogens. Fluorocarbons.
Unit – 6 : Inorganic Chemistry(6)
d- Block Elements & Their Compounds: Coordination Chemistry &
SECTION A: Terristrial abundance of the metals; elementary idea of mineral
General methods of isolation of metals from their natural
sources of occurance (technical details omitted) Availability in
India and the chemistry of isolation of the following metals: Li,
Rb, Cs, Ag, Au, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Pt, Ra, U.
SECTION B: Study of the elements of Group IA, IB, IIA and IIB with
reference to their chemical reactions and properties (specially
redox and coordination)
SECTION C: General characteristics of first now transition metals with
reference to electronic configuration, oxidation states, redox
properties, colour of the ions. Magnetic properties of first
transition metal ions and their complexes. Determination of
magnetic susceptibility and its application to complex
compounds, Polyvanadates.
SECTION D: Introduction to coordination compounds. Werner’s theory,
Nomenclature of coordination compounds upto two metal atoms,
Types of ligands, Chelates and inner-metallic complexes and
their applications in chemical analyses. Isomerism of
coordination compounds: different types; geometrical and optical
isomerisms for coordinations numbers 4 and 6. Trans effect.
Study of complexes in solution: detection, composition (Job’s,
slope ratio and mole ration methods), stability-potentionmetric
method. Metal-ligand interactions: Valence Bond and Crystal
Field Theories. Application of VB and CFT approaches in
explaining stereochemistry, magnetic and spectral features
(d1-d9), systems) of coordination compounds (coor. No. upto six)
Introduction of ligand field theory (qualitative treatment only).
Metal legand bonding, mo concept, σ - and - bondings in
SECTION E: Metal complexes of  acids ligans: carbonyls, nitrosyls and
cyanides. Introduction of σ bonded and non-classically bonded
organometallics, metal (mono) olefins-Zeise’s salt; Metallocenes;
Ferrocene, Metal-metal bonded complexex; inorganic rings,
cages and clusters; boron cage compounds, carborances and
metallocene carboranes. Catalysis by organometallic complexes;
substitution, oxidative addition, reductive elimination, insertion
reactions, hydrogenation, hydrofomylation and polymezation of
alkenes; fluxional molecules.
Unit – 7: Organic Chemistry (1)
SECTION A: Nature of bonds in organic compounds: Atomic orbitals,
Molecular orbitals: bonding, non-bonding and antibonding.
Hybridisation of atomic orbitals with reference of C, N, Cl, Br, I,
O; Sigma and Pi-bonds; electronegativity ; Dipole moment (bond
moment, group moment, polarization and polarisability of
covalent bond). Inductive and effectromeric effects. Energetics
of bond cleavage and bond formation; Bond energies and bond
distances; Carbocations, carbanions, Free radicls, ambident
ions (definitions, examples). Conjugation, Resonance,
Hyperconnugation; Tautomerism with reference to the following
systems only Keto-Enol, Nitro-Acinitro, Nitroso-Oximino.
Strenghth of organic acids and bases.
SECTION B: Optical activity, optical rotations: Recemisation; Elements of
symmetry, asymmetric and dissymmetric moleculses,
configuration and conformation, acyclic systems. D.L. and R. s.
nomenclatures of acyclic systems. Erythro and Thero
configurations. Fischer, sawhorse and Newman projection
formula; Geometrical isomerism involving C=C and C=N bonds.
SECTION C: Investigation of reaction mechanisms:
Rate law of a reaction; Activation energy, Transition state,
Reaction intermediates, energy profile diagrams involving two
transition states. Idea of a reversibility of a reaction,
Kinetically and Thermodynamically controlled products:
Primary kinetic isotope effects; classification of reagents and
reactions; steric inhibition and steric strain in organic
molecules. Pericyclic reactions, electrocyclic opening and closure.
SECTION D: Mechanism of organic reactions- What and Why ? Addition
reactions: Electrophiliic, Nucleophilic and Radical . Classical
and non-classical carbonium ion. Comparative study of (i)
electrophilic addition at C=C; (ii) Nucleophilic addition at C=O
group of aldehydes and ketons; (iii) Nucleophilic substitution at
C=O group of acids and their derivatives; Substitution reaction
at the saturated carbon atom (SN1, SN2, SNi); and the aromatic
system (SE2), Elimination reactions: beta elimination (E1, E2
and E1 cB) and alpha elimination carbenes; polymerization
reactions: Ionic and Free radical mechanisms.
SECTION E: Stereochemistry: Atropisomerism-Byphenyls (excluding R-S
configuration). Substituted allens. Resolution of recemic
modifications. Walden inversion, Mutarotation, Asymmetric
synthesis, Epimerisation; Elementary idea of sterospecific and
stereosclective reactions.
SECTION F: Melecular Rearrangements: Allylic, Claisen Pinacol pinacolone.
Acyclic systems: Hofmann, Lossen Curtius, Schmidt, Fries and
Beckmann. Cyclic systems: Demjanov and Favorskii.
SECTION G: Elementary idea of the applications of U. VIR and H-NMR
spectroscopy for simple organic molecules.
Unit – 8 : Organic Chemistry (2)
SECTION A: Aliphatic Compounds:
Nomenclature and general methods of preparation, properties
and reactions with mechanism in respect of the following: (i)
Hydrocarbons – Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkaienes, Alkynes and their
halogen derivatives.
(ii) Monohydric alcohols;
(iii) Ethers and thioethers;
(iv) Carbonyl compounds;
(v) Saturated monocarboxylic acids and their derivatives;
(vi) Alkylnitrites, Nitroalkanes, Nitriles, Isonitriles, Amines,
Urea, Diazomethane, Diazoacetic ester.
(vii) Amino acids and proteins: Definition and Classification;
Syntheses (by Gabriel phthalimide method, Strecker’s
method and Azlactone method), properties and reactions
of Glycine and Alanine; Tests, peptide linkage and its
(viii) Carbanion Chemistry with reference to acetoacetic ester,
malonic ester and cyanoacetic ester.
SECTION B: Alicyclic Compounds : General methods of preparation,
properties and reactions with mechanism of alicyclic compounds
(one ring only) with upto six carbon atoms; Bayer Strain theory;
Conformational aspects boat, half-chair and chair forms; axial
and equatorial bonds, Conformation, reactions of mono-and
di-substituted derivatives only.
SECTION C: General methods of preparation, properties, reactions, structure
and syenthetic used of Grignard reagents; preparation of uses of
Li and Zn alkyls.
SECTION D: Carbohydrates: Nomenclature: Classification; Reactions and
structure elucidation of Glucose and Fructose: Ascending and
descending in sugar series. Aldopentoses. Aldohexoses;
Ketopentoses and Ketohexoses; Interoconversion of aldohexose
to ketohexose and vice versa; Configuration of Arabinose,
Glucose, Fructose; Conformation of Glucose; Inversion of
Sucrose; Ring-chain tautomerism.
Unit – 9 : Organic Chemistry (3)
SECTION A: Aromatic Compounds:
(i) Idea of aromatic compounds upto-pi-electron system;
Aromaticity and Aromatic character;
(ii) Benzene: Modern idea of structure, Electrophilic
substitution; preparation properties and important
reactions with mechanism of homologues of benzene,
halogen derivatives; Nucleopilic and cine substitution:
Benzyne intermediates; Orientation and reactivity---
mechanistic approach.
(iii) Aromatic nitro compounds: General methods of
preparation, properties, reactions with mechanism.
(iv) General methods of preparation, properties and reactions
with mechanism of the following classes of compounds:
Phenols, Aromatic alcohols, Aromatic aldehydes,
Aromatic Ketones, Aromatic carboxylic acids and their
derivatives, Phenolic aldehydes and ketones, Phenolic
acids, Nitro phenols, Benzoquinones and aromatic
sulphonic acids.
(v) Aromatic diazo compounds: preparation, properties and
reactions with mechanism.
(vi) General methods of preparation, properties and reactions
with mechanism of the following classes of compounds:
Phenols, Aromatic alcohols, Aromatic aldehydes,
Aromatic Ketones, Aromatic carboxylic acids and their
derivatives, Phenolic aldehydes and ketones, Phenolic
acids, Nitro phenols, Benzoquinones and aromatic
sulphonic acids.
(vii) General methods of preparation properties, reactions
with mechanism of the following bi-functional compounds:
Diols, Hydroxy ketons, Hydroxy aldehydes, Dicarbonyl
compounds (alpha, beta and gamma) keto acids,
unsaturated aldehydes. Unsaturated ketones,
Unsaturated acids, Lactons.
SECTION B: Polynuclear hydrocarbons: Synthesis, reactions and structures
of Naphthalene and Anthracene; Synthesis (only) of
SECTION C: Heterocyclic Compounds: General methods of synthesis,
properties and important reactions of the following compounds.
Pyrrole, Furan, Thiophene, Pyridine, Quinoline and Indole and
derivatives of Pyrrole and Pyridine.
SECTION D: Dyes: Classification, Elementary idea of colour and constitution;
Preparation and uses of Phenolphthalein, Methyl orange, Congo
red, Malachite green, Alizarin and Indigo.
SECTION E: Problems incorporating reactions including in the syllabus.
Unit – 10 : Advanced Level Chemistry & Application Oriented Chemistry
SECTION A: Bioinorganic Chemistry
Essential and trace elements of life, role of metal ions (Na+, K+,
MG2+, CA2+, Fe3+/2+, Cu2+/1+, Zn2+) in biology. Basic
reactions in the biological systems. Transport of ion across
biological membrane, Na+ ion pump. Transport and storage of
metabolic energy, ATP-ADP imterconversion. O2 - uptake
proteins: hemoglobin and myoglobin; electron transport
proteins: cytochromes and ferredoxins; redox metalloenzymes:
catalase, peroxidase, super oxide dismutase, ascorbate oxidase.
Bioinorganic chemistry of nitrogen fixation, respiratory electron
transport chair, photosynthesis. Toxic effects of metal ions ,
Chelation therapy, metal dependent diseases, metal complexes
as drugs.
SECTION B: Chemical Analysis: Principles & Applications:
Gravimetric and titrimetric (acid-base, redox, complexometric
EDTA) estimations of common cations and anions (single & in
mixtures). Chemical separation techniques: chromatography,
ion exchange, solvent extraction: Instrumental methods of
analysis: conductometry, potentionmety, polarography,
amperometry, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, flame photometry,
AAS and AES spectrometry, neutron activation analysis. IR,
NMR and ESR spectroscopy applications to simple inorganic and
organic systems. Analysis of complex materials; ores, alloys,
drugs, pharmaceuticals, air and water samples. Error analysis.
SECTION C: Chemistry on Materials:
Production and uses of stainless steels and alloy steels, glass
and ceramic materials, Port-land cement (composition and
setting). Chemical and biofertilizers, natural and synthetic
rubbers, synthetic fibres, biopolymers and biodegradable
polymes; common drugs and pharmaceuticals, common
pesticides (applications and residual toxicity). Solid, liquid and
gasesous fuels, coal based chemicals and petrochemicals (C1 to
C3 compounds); oils, soaps and detergents, hydrogenation of
oils, production of vanaspati and margarine. Constituents and
formulations of paints and varnishes, common cosmetics and
perfumes, food additives and preservatives.
SECTION D: Environmental chemistry
Environmental segments: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
and biosphere. Environmental cycles: hydrologic cycle, oxygen-,
nitrogen-carbon, phosphorus- and sulfur cycles, composition and
structure of the atmosphere. Chemical and photochemical
reactions in the atmosphere, ozone layer and its importance.
Major air pollutants and their sources, green house effect, acid
rain, photochemical smog; air pollution control measures,
Environmental role of water, major water pollutants, water
quality parameters, water treatment: (domestic, industrial and
waster water).


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