Saturday, February 5, 2011


I. Philosophical Foundations of Education
(A) Concept and Aims of Education, Methods of Teaching and Role of Teachers in
the light of Idealism, Nauralism, Pragmatism and Marxism.
(B) Philosophical and Psychological bases of Curriculum. Principles of
Curriculum Construction. Evaluation of Madhyamik and H. S. Curriculum of
W.B. in the light of the principles. Co-curricular activities. Freedom and
II. Psychological Foundations of Education
(A) Growth and development of the child – Stages and areas of development.
Physical, Cognitive, Social and development upto the stage of adolescence.
Intelligence-Concept and Two factor theory.
Personality-Concept and Trait theory.
(B) Theories of Learning: Connectionism (Throndike, Pavlov, Skinner) and
cognitive (Gestalt). Factors affecting Learning: Maturation Interest, and
Memory and Attention.
III. Sociological Foundations of Education.
(A) Social Groups: Primary and Secondary
Social Processes: Associative and Dissociative.
Education, Society and Social Change.
Education and Socialization.
(B) Current sociological Problems of Education in India: Illiteracy and
Universalisation of Primary Education Equality of Educational Opportunity
– Education of SC, ST and OBC.
IV. Historical Foundation of Education
(A) Salient features of Brahmonic and Buddhist Education in Ancient Indian.
Islamic Education in Mediaeval India.
(B) Landmarks in the History of India Education during pre-independence era;
Serampore Missionary activities in education
Macaulay’s contribution to Indian education
Wood’s Despatch, Hunter Commission. Sadler Commission. Wardha
Scheme, Sargent Report.
V. Modern Development in Indian Education
(A) Landmarks in the History of Indian Education during post-independents era
with special reference to structure, curriculum, medium of instruction at the
Primary and Secondary stages: Report of the Mudaliar Commission
Radhakrishnan Commission, Kothari Commission, Ramamurti Committee
and Mitra Commission. Salient features of Education Policy statement,
1968. National Policy on Education, 1986, Contemporary issues in education.
(B) Present structure, administration and progress of Primary and Secondary
education in India, particularly in West Bengal.
VI. Contribution of Great Educators
(A) Indian – Vidyasagar, Vivekananda, Rabindranath, Mahatma Gandhi.
(B) Western – Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Dewey and Froebel with special emphasis on
Aim of Education, Methology, Discipline, Role of Teacher and their works.
VII. Guidance in Education and Impact of Mass Media on Education
(A) Guidance and Counselling in Education
Concept, Types and Tools of guidance and counselling. Techniques and
importance of guidance and counselling.
(B) Impact of Mass Media on Education
Print media, Cinema, Radio, Electronic media including Television.
VIII. Mental Hygiene
(A) Concept and Criteria of Mental Health. Scope of Mental Hygiene.
Maladjustment: Concept and types, Causes, prevention and remedies of
Adjustment Mechanism.
(B) Mental disorder – classification and brief description
Therapeutic measures : Psychoanalytic, Behaviouristic and Play Therapies.
IX. Measurement and Evaluation in Education
(A) Concept of Measurement and Evaluation. Need and Scope of Evaluation in
Education, Tools and Techniques of Evaluation. Construction and
standardization of Achievement Tests. Defects of present system of
Examination and Suggestions for its improvement.
(B) Different types of tests.
Tests for the measurement of Intelligence, Interest and Personality
X. Educational Statistics:
(A) Need for Statistics in Education. Frequency Distribution, Graphical
Representation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of
(B) Normal Probability curve its properties and uses. Skewness and Kurtosis.
Percentile and Percentile Rank. Derived Scores – Standard Score, T-Score,
Coefficient of Correlation by Rank difference and product moment method.


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