Saturday, February 5, 2011



Structural Geology
Stress: Stress at a point; normal stress; shear stress; principal axes of stress; stress on planes inclined to principal axes
(two dimensional stress).
Mohr construction for stress, sign convention
Strain: Longitudinal strain: shear strain: Principal axes of strain; longitudinal and shear strain in directions oblique to
principal axes (two dimensional strain); strain ellipse and strain ellipsoid: Measurement of strain,
Ramsay’s plot and Flinn’s plot; Rotational and irrotational strain and structures.
Rheology: Stress –Strain curves for elastic,viscous and plastic.
Brittle fracturing: Coulomb-Navier criterion and Griffth criterion for faults ;Mohr envelope for fracturing ; slip on
pre-existing fractures; Byerlee’s law ; Anderson’s analysis of faulting ; Critical wedge theory. Thrust faults; mechanical
paradox for motion of thrust sheets; Duplex structure; Fault bend fold and fault propagation fold.
Shear Zones: Brittle and ductile shear zones; structures in ductile shear zones; Mylonites- their classification and
textural features; Shear zone indicators.
Mechanics of folding: Buckle folding of multilayer.
Geometrical analysis of cylindrical folds: Pie and Beta diagrams and fold geometry; Minor structures and their relation
to major structures.
Superposed folding: Deformation of early lineations; folding on non- parallel planes; Interference patterns in shear
folding and buckle folding; Geometry of major and minor structures in superposed folding.
Elementary concept of Basement cover relatuion
Brief history of development of tectonic concepts since the eighteenth century. Different tectonic models; Geophysical
techniques in tectonics; gravity anomalies and heat flow measurements. Plate tectonics: Geometry of plate motions
including vector solutions. Processes and structures associated with different types of plate boundaries. Tectonism
along continental margins and continental rifts. Driving force (s) of plate tectonics. Mantle plumes. Surface
expressions and importance in lithospheric tectonism. Structure and tectonics of Himalaya, Alps, Appalachians and
the Andes.
Geochemistry and Isotope Geology
What is Geochemistry? Branches of Geochemistry; Earth in relation to Solar systems and Universe.
Meteorites- definition, age, importance of study; classification and its basis, mineralogical characteristics and contrast
with terrestrial mineralogy, broad chemical characteristics, brief outline on origin.
Cosmic abundance of elements; Geochemical classification of elements. Average chemical composition of continental
crust, oceanic crust, entire crust, mantle, core and entire earth; methods of computation of these average
compositions; Geochemical differentiation of primordial earth..
Chemical evidence for mantle heterogeneity and phase transition in the mantle; mode of occurrence of trace elements
in igneous rocks; Behavior of trace elements during magmatic crystallization.
General chemical characteristics of sedimentary rocks; Role of ionic potential, hydrogen ion concentration and
oxidation reduction potential in sedimentation; Eh- ph diagrams of Mn- H20 systems and Fe- H20 systems with and
without C02.
The Atmosphere: Structure and composition of atmosphere, Geochemical cycle of nitrogen . The evolution of
atmosphere ; Constancy of atmospheric composition ; Formation and destruction of ozone layer
The Hydrosphere: Distribution of water on the earth ; Composition of sea water, river water and groundwater; Gains
and losses of the oceans, balance of dissolved matter on seawater, the history and evolution of the oceans; Chemical
evolution of groundwater, lithological control on the quality of groundwater.
The Biosphere: The concept of biosphere, mass of the biosphere, consumption biogenic deposits; Geochemical cycle of
Isotope geochemistry: Brief outline of dating by Rb-Sr, K-Ar, Sm-Nd and C-14 methods; Application of stable isotopes
in geology.
Proportions from Al occupancy of T sites; estimation of the degree of ordering by different method (principle): 2V as
an indicator of ordering in K-feldspar: polymorphism of NaAlsi308: Ordering path in albite: estimation of structural
states of plagioclase feldspar: Ternary feldspar.
Nepheline: constitution of nepheline: compositional nonstoichiometry:Compositional divergence between nephelines
of volcanic and plutonic (including metamorphic) associations; Out line of structure of nepheline and nature of Si-Al
Calculation of cation proportions formula, vacant site from chemical analysis of nepheline.
Methodologies for study of minerals: optical study—Universal stage (4 axes and 5 axes stages). Principles of X-ray
powder method; Bragg equation and its application; X-ray camera; Diffractogram; Procedure for identification of
mineral from X-ray powder diagram; Use of ‘internal standards’: Use of powder methods in determination of
“obliquity” of K—feldspar, structural state of plagioclase; Cell edge of isometric crystal; Brief outline of Electron Micro
probe, XRD and SEM.
Igneous Petrology and Volcanology
Phase Rule: Study of important two, three –and four component systems at low and high pressures (wet and dry) and
their petrogenetic significance.
Biaxial Variation diagrams—extract polygon, concept of petrography mixing calculations.
Introduction of principles of experimental petrology.
Rocks of continental and ocenic provinces
Trace elements and its roll in modeling igneous petrogenecies.
Concepts of activation energy and viscosity modeling; effects of volatiles on melt equilibria.
Magma genesis and emplacement; relation of magma generation and global –plate tectonics.
General idea of layered complex; salient features of Stillwater, Skaergaard and Bushvelt complex.
Brief idea on physical volcanogy, criteria for identification of several volcanic flows, brief idea regarding several
distinct zones within a volcanic province. Pyroclasts.Vesicle piping, physical criteria to identify liquid immiscibility.
Metamorphic Petrology
Metamorphic Petrology: Concept of chemical equilibrium in metamorphism
Phase rule- Duhem’s theorem
Ocean floor metamorphism: impact metamorphism: paired metamorphic belt: schematic diagram to illustrate the
origin of paired metamorphic belts.
Petrographic grid and equilibrium relations in metamorphism of pelitic, carbonate and mafic rocks.
Metamorphic conditions in granulite facies and eclogite faceis: problems of granulitic facies metamorphism
Metamorphic reactions- principles roll of temperature pressure and fluids (including oxygen). P-T-t paths, material
transport during metamorphism, Migmatisation.
Thermodynamics: enthalpy, entropy & free energy, free energy & chemical equilibrium, chemical potential: Fugacity
& activity :
Melting in Metamorphism; P-T-time evolution of metamorphhic terranes; relations with tectonism and crustal
Paleontology and Applied Micropaleontology
Methods of collection and study of fossils.
Ichnofossil: Definition, recognition, classification, and stratigraphic significance.
Chemical fossils;
Taxonomic categories: Species, subspecies and genus: Definition of species; species problem in paleontology;
Biospecies, chronospecies and morphospecies.
Description of new taxa: Types in taxonomy;
Bionomic classification.
Morphology: Descriptive, functional and constructional morphology: Definition and usefulness with examples.
Methods of functional morphology analysis;
Ecology and Paleoecology: Definition and usefulness with examples; Ecological principles.
Limiting factors: Methods of paleoecological analysis;
Biogeography: Definition and usefulness with examples; Methods of paleobiogeographic study.
Paleooceanography, DSDP, ODP, CCD.
Organic evolution: Definition, mechanism, lineage, evidences; Loss of evolution: Trends and patterns of evolution;
Extinction; Precambrian life, fossil record molecular evolution.
Biostratigraphy: Biozone definition, different types and their significance; procedures in biostratigraphic classification;
Correlation with fossils; Geological age determination ; Fossil record and the development of Standard Stratigraphic
Scale; Lithostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy.
Vertebrate palaeontology: Origin, preservation, methods of collection and study of vertebrate fossils; Different classes
of vertebrate and their geologic ranges. Fish-like vertebrates, their characteristic and geological ranges: Occurrences of
fossil fishes in India.
Origin of tetrapods, characteristic features of amphibian, broad subdivision, geological distribution, Indian occurrence
and stratigraphic significance.
Origin of reptiles, different group of reptiles, characteristics and their geologicsl ranges. Mammal-like reptiles, their
characteristics and stratigraphic significance with Indian examples. Dinosaurs, their characteristics and stratigraphic
significance with Indian examples.
Mammals, their distinctive features, different orders of mammals and their geologic ranges; Mammalian definition
Fossil records of Hominids.
Paleobotany: Broad subdivisions of plant kingdom and their geologic ranges; Preservation methods of collection and
study of plant fossils. Distinctive morphology, habitat and geological distribution of important groups of plants;
Important plant fossil bearing horizons in India. Fossil floras of Indian subcontinent, their stratigraphic,
paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental significance.
Foraminifera: Morphology, mode of growth and ecology.
Graptolite: Morphology, paleoecology and stratigraphic significance.
Echinoidea: Mode of growth, ecology, evolution, adaptive significance, stratigraphic distribution and Indian
Trilobites: Geological distribution and stratigraphic significance.
Ammonnoidea: Mode of growth, palaeoecology, adaptive significance and stratigraphic usefulness.
Microfossils: Definition, occurrence, preservation, collection and processing of samples and method of study;
Usefulness of microfossils in stratigraphic studies.
Palynology: Definition, scope of study, collection of samples and methods of recovery and study;
Morphology of spore-pollen, Indian examples.
Algae: Morphology, ecology, outlines classification, geological distribution, and significance of important groups of
rock- forming algae with Indian examples.
Common marine microfossils; Foraminifera, Ostracoda; Radiolarians; Diatom; Conodont;
Calcareous Nanoplankton. Strutigraphic occurrence of microfossils. Oceanographic micropalaeontology. Commercial
Principles of erection of standard global chronostratigraphic scale: Archaean-Proterozoic boundary, Precambrian-
Cambrian boundary; Devonian-Carboniferous boundary.
Precambrian crustal provinces; Distribution of high and low grade belts in Precambrian provinces
Idea of correlation of Precambrian terranes
Brief outline of event stratigraphy: Global sea level changes.
Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Geology of Peninsular and Extrapeninsular India
Gondwana and Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleogeography with special reference to Indian subcontinent.
Geological history of Indian subcontinent through Phanerozoic.
Siwalik stratigraphy
Siliciclastics: Origin- primary and digenetic processes.
Provenance- definition and concepts, evidence from detrital components, climatic signatures, tectonic provenances,
reconstruction of provenance history; Classifications- problems and perspectives.
Volcanoclastics; Types, petrography and classification.
Carbonates: Constituents of limestones, carbonate mineralogy and chemistry.
Diagenesis- processes and products. Dolomite –texture and dolomitization.
Chert: Definition, mineralogy, texture, mode of occurrence and origin.
Evaporites: Definition, mineralogy and types; Brief outline of Sabkha evaporates, shallow water evaporates and deep
water evaporates.
Sedimentary structures: Mechanics of sediment transport; Types of fluids, viscous flow and inertial flow.
Basic concepts in fluid dynamics- law of continuity, law of conservation of momentum. Law of conservation of
energy. Bernoulli’s equations and derivation of critical flow condition, classification of Newtonian flows.
Concept of dynamic viscosity, bed shear stress, shears velocity, boundary layer, Kelvin-Helmbotz instability and flow
separation; Entrainment and transportation- mechanics and threshold condition.
Origin of ripples, dunes ripples laminations and cross stratifications, graded bedding: Interpretation of paleo-hydraulic
Sediment gravity flows- classification, sediment transport mechanisms, and depositional products.
Concept of Rayleigh-Taylor instability- guiding factor and triggering mechanism.
Facies models: Alluvial systems, coastline systems, deep-sea siliciclastics, carbonate depositional systems.
Basin analysis: Purposes and scope, Sedimentary basins—definition & classification. Salient characters of sedimentary
basins- fill in major basin types.
Mechanics of sedimentary basin formation.
Classification of sedimentary basins.
Depositional style and basin fill character of different tectonic settings.
Facies analysis: Principles, siliciclastic and carbonate facies models.
Basin mapping methods, Basin modeling and its uses, Basin modeling techniques
Palaeocurrent analysis.
Subsidence analysis.
Seismic and sequence stratigraphy, seismic data interpretation: 2D, 3D, utility, pitfalls
Resource potential of sedimentary basins, use of modeling in hydrocarbon generation and exploration.
Mineral Deposits and Mineral Exploration
Processes of formation of mineral deposits, changing perception of ore genesis.
Modern sea floor deposits, their genetic implications and ancient analogies.
Important metallic, non-metallic and atomic mineral deposits of India and of neighboring countries.
Ore texture, sequence of temperature of formation, ore solutions, complexing and ore deposition
Mineral resources- time, space, and dynamic controls, resource management concept, mineral economics, present
status of resources, resource development and future sources.
Stages of exploration, principal methods exploration – geological, geochemical, geophysical, geobotanical and
microbiological and their application in India including recent advances indicator elements and plants. Dispersion ,
relative mobility , background , threshold and anomaly. Geophysical methods involving gravity, magnetic, electrical
and seismic, various well logging techniques, marine mineral exploration.
Geomathematics & Geostatistics
Scientific methods & some basic concept of statistics:
Sample- Universe: Measurement- scale & error; Models; Measurement of variability; Probability
Population distribution- binomial, normal, Poisson.
Statistical inferences- errors in judgment
Confidence Intervals.
Small sampling theory- Chi-square, Student’s t, Snedecor’s F tests
Non –parametric tests- Kolmogorov-Smirnov.
ANOVA-correlation & linear regression
Basic principles of Geophysics. Detailed knowledge of different types of geophysics methods involving gravity,
magnetic & seismic Gravity methods: introduction, Gravity potential and field due to different simple bodies and
structures. Field procedure. Bouguer gravity anomalies, interpretations & field-cases Magnetic methods: introduction,
magnetic properties of rocks, geomagnetic field, field procedure, measurement of magnetic anomalies, interpretation.
Electrical method: Introduction, Self potential, earth resistivity, different arrays, profiling & sounding techniques,
interpretation & field cases. Induced polarization. Telluric & electromagnetic methods. Seismic method: introduction,
refraction methods, layered earth refraction studies, hidden layer problem, correction, instruments, field procedures,
interpretation. Various well-logging techniques.
Groundwater Geology
Discussion of the basic physical principles of the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run off, stream,
flow, percolation and ground flow), as well as environmentally relevant applications based on case studies. Coverage
of contemporary global issues related water resources. Including pollution control, environmental rehabilitation,
sustainable development, and global worming.
Topics that will be covered Water for the world: global water issues pertaining to Indian subcontinent basic- issues.
Demand/supply. Trends: The global hydrological cycle, the global system, fluxes, reservoirs and residence times,
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, regional water balances and resources, hydrological effects of climate
change: catchments hydrology: Land atmosphere interactions - precipitation. intersection, evapotranspiration , water
and energy balance, subsurface flow – infiltration and soil moisture, run off, ground water flow , Structure and
properties of water; principles of fluid dynamics, forces on fluids, fluid statics/dynamics. Laminar and turbulent flow:
open channel and hydraulic discharge measurements and control structures. Velocity distribution in open channels.
Catchments hydrology: Streams floods and droughts – hydrographs, nature and cause of floods. Flood routing and
estimating magnitude and frequency extreme events, patterns, cycles and teleconnections. Ground water flow Darcy’s
law, hydraulic head, conductivity, permeability , storativity and porosity, water in natural formations , steady ground
water flow, flow nets, heterogeneity and anisotropy. Groundwater transport and advection, dispersion, adsorption,
decay, tracer techniques. Water in the unsaturated zone forces on water in the unsaturated zone, infiltration.
Monitoring and assessing process remote sensing and hydrological networks, measuring precipitation, evaporation,
evapotranspiration, run off, subsurface water. Modeling hydrologic process ground water flow and transport models,
modeling runoff water quantity vegetation change, desertification , irrigation and reservoirs, urbanization, over
exploitation of ground water, land drainage and channel modification; case studies: Aral sea, 1993 Mississipi flood,
ground water, overdraft in the western US; Water quality :Detailed Hydrogeochemistry: Includes sea water , river
water, atmospheric precipitation and lake water chemistry and evolution, acidification of surface waters, introductory
problems of acid mine drainage, major sources of pollution, types of pollutants, evolution of pollutants , controlling
water quality. Managing water sources: surface waters rain water harvesting, system analysis in modern water
management, reservoirs, river regulations case studies: Diversion of Russian and American rivers, Aswan high dam,
Chinese dams, James Bay; Managing water resources: Towards a sustainable feature?—desalination, controlling
demand and waste, protecting the environment, hydro politics, global worming, integrated water resources
management, case studies: Ganges-Brahmaputra, Mekong Basin, Arab world, Arizona-Tuscan Basin, Floridians
aquifer, Mexico- Ogallala.
Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS
Remote sensing—definition, concept, scope, history of development with special reference to India. Geographic
Information Systems and global Positioning system; Geoinformatics- Scope and applications. Photographic systems –
terrestrial and aerial photographs, Stereovision, stereo photography and stereoscopy. Introduction to photogrammetry
– photo scale, relief displacement, parallax, radial line plots, Vertical exaggeration, setreometry and satellite
images—platforms, sensors, energy sources and data products, Image interpretation – Visual and digital techniques.
Application of geoinformatics in geological and resource mapping, geoenvironmental assessment, management and
Stereo test. Interpretation of stereogram under pocket stereoscopes. Interpretation of single vertical air photo,
including boarder information. Interpretation of stereo pairs of vertical air photos under mirror stereoscopes.
Interpretation of multi band satellite images.
Interpretation of false colour composites. Use of topographic maps, air photos and satellite images for geological
mapping and resources surveys.
Engineering Geology
Fundamentals of rock and soil mechanics
Engineering geologic investigations
Geotechnical properties of soils and rock masses
Influence and control of subsurface water
Engineering geologic exploration
Earth processes affecting engineered structures, safety, risk, hazard
Environmental impact assessments of engineered structures
Overview of engineering structures: dam, tunnels, railroads, bridges, settlements, industrial sites, etc.
Determination of stress vectors.
Determination of void ratio, degree of saturation, amount of consolidation, compaction, etc. in soils.
Analysis of discontinuities in rocks for estimating stability of surfaces.
RQD calculation from core measurements.
Determination of pore water pressure, seepages, seepage pressure, drainage capacity, etc.
Preparation and interpretation of engineering geologic maps, including face maps, subsurface maps and diagrams,
hazard zonation maps, etc.
Analysis and interpretation of subsurface geophysical data.
Engineering geologic interpretations from aerial photographs and satellite images.
Testing and description of aggregate samples.
Industrial and Mining Geology
Brief outline of different industries related to geology , e.g. power , metallurgy , chemical , cement , fertilizer, ceramics
, refractories , construction, etc: Sampling ,characterization , evaluation (grading) and analytical methods of raw
material : Fundamentals of resource study (genesis and distribution) , quality assessment , grading and control
methodologies for quality improvement of raw materials: Outlines of processing technologies of rocks and minerals:
Reserve and grade estimation : Quality control and management of industrial rocks and minerals – a few case studies
from active industrial sectors: Mineral economics and global scenario.
Underground and surface mining methods. Open – cast and open- pit mining. Underground exploration and sampling
of ore deposits. Drilling and blasting. Computation of ore reserves. Regulation and development of mines and mineral
industry, mineral resource conservation.
Energy Resources
Physical, chemical and optional properties of coal. Changes in properties of coal with metamorphism. Classification of
coal – ASTM, Mott, Seyler, and Indian. Petrology and Palynology of coal. Conditions of formation of coal and coal
seams. Inorganic mineral matters; Sulpher and Phosphorous in coal. Correlation of coal seams. Estimation and
categorization of resources. Industrial utilization of coal. Coal resources of India. Environmental management of coal
based industries.
Composition and physical characteristics of petroleum, fuels and other by-products of petroleum. Reservoir properties
: porosity and permeability : effects of geological agents on reservoir properties : clastic, carbonate, and other reservoir
rocks. Origin of petroleum- organic matter types and maturation process. Migration of petroleum-primary and
secondary . Entrapment of petroleum –seal rocks; structural traps; stratigraphic traps; unconventional petroleum
accumulations. Reservoir conditions- reservoir /fluid relationship, reservoir energy and drive mechanisms.
Sedimentary basin dynamics-classifications of basins ; pre-requisites for hydrocarbon accumulations; petroleum
resources and reserves; global distribution patterns. Petroliferous basins of India; exploration and exploitation of
petroleum; utilization of natural gas.
Nuclear Energy
Geochemistry of U and Th, geochemical abundance of radioactivity in crustal rocks, important minerals, types of U
and Th deposits, nuclear raw material resources of India, usage of nuclear energy.
Potential alternative (renewable) energy sources such as Geothermal, solar, wind, tidal, biomass, etc.
Marine Geosciences
Origin and morphology of ocean basins and ocean margins. Marine stratigraphy. Correlation and Chronology. Depth
profile and ocean floor topography, continental margins, mid-oceanic ridge, island arcs and trenches. Tectonic history
of ocean basins, opening and closing of seaways and their impact on deep- sea sediments. Ocean circulation, nearshore
geological processes and the continental shelf. Sources and composition of marine sediments, pelagic and hemi pelagic,
the sediment cycle, classification of marine sediment types, oceanic microfossils. Geological effects of bottom currents:
erosion, transportation and deposition. Global sea level rise-past and future; tectonically-driven and ice-driven sea
level fluctuations.


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